It's time for travelling. I would like to plan to see Chien-Ming Wang playing baseball. Therefore, i should get a better understanding of New York City.
The distance between New York and Taiwan is 7801 miles (12555 km) (6779 nautical miles).
These are the maps of New York.

Here is Yankee Stadium!!!
The distance between New York and Taiwan is 7801 miles (12555 km) (6779 nautical miles).
These are the maps of New York.

Here is Yankee Stadium!!!
B is the center of NY city and A is the stadium. The map shows one of the routes to get there.
What is the weather like in New York?
What is the weather like in New York?

How to get there by flight?
These are the choices.
I would like to choose a cheapeast one.

Where to stay?
Bed & Breakfast on the Park113 Prospect Park WestBrooklyn, New York 11215United States718-499-6115FAX: 718-499-1385liana@bbnyc.com UnratedRate this Inn
Famous spots.
Central Park.
Yankee Stadium.